Tobias E. A. Reaper
Welcome to my little slice of internet
I’m a software engineer, data scientist, writer, and musician currently living in Denver, Colorado.
Exploring my own big data.
Sep 7, 2020
Use Python to programmatically create image masks, use masks to extract, remove, or manipulate parts of an image, and transform and combine multiple images.
Jul 20, 2020
Worked for 8 weeks as a machine learning engineer on a remote interdisciplinary team; helped gather and label over 80,000 images to train an object detection model; built a Flask API to deploy model.
Mar 8, 2020
Worked as a machine learning engineer on a remote, interdisciplinary team to build an app for recommending subreddits.
Jan 12, 2020
Trained a machine learning classifier using a dataset scraped from GoodReads; built and deployed an interactive dashboard using Plotly Dash.
Oct 25, 2019